Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Security virus protection and/or firewalls.
Firewalls are used to stop unwanted visitors from accessing the software on your computer. Virus protection software can stop viruses and Trojans from infecting your computer. It will also remove any software codes that have already infected your computer.

Clean up tools for removal of cookies and/or Internet history and/or defragmentation. 
Defragmentation is the process of reducing the fragmentation on the computer hard drive.
Clearing your permanently filed cookies will make your computer run faster, and eliminate the link between you and the websites you frequent. Cookies are small files that websites store on your computer to remember your account information, log in and password.

Drive formatting.
Drive formatting is when you erase all the data on your computer leaving only the core software that comes with the operating system. The computer will be in the same state as it was when it was new and unused. It would be very important to back up any information you need.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013


The operating system of a computer has a number of main functions: It has the task of managing the computer resources, this manages the use of the CPU, allocation of memory, access to disk drives etc. all of the input and output functions of the computer are controlled by the operating system. 
The next task is to interact with the user, it is the task of the operating system to provide a means of doing this easily and consistently.

Machine and peripheral management:
The operating system controls the whole machine and all the components inside. It also controls peripherals like keyboards, mouse and printers.

The operating system needs to make sure that everything works properly and that there is no unauthorized access that can harm your data. The operating system also controls security features such as passwords and firewalls.

File management:
The operating system needs to have file management to show files, create new files, deleting, editing and other functions linked to the files.

Device drivers:
Drivers are programs that tell the operating system what to do with this particular device. For example if you intend to use an old printer that your computer does not recognize  to make it work properly with your computer, drivers must be installed.

Monday, 15 April 2013


Processor: The processor, or central processing unit, is the brain of the computer. The more powerful the processor is, the faster your PC will run. The speed of a processor is measured in gigahertz. 

Motherboard: The motherboard is the main circuit board of your computer and is also known as the mainboard or logic board. Components attached to the motherboard include; the CPUROM, memory RAM expansion slots, PCI slots, and USB ports. It also includes controllers for devices like the hard drive, DVD drive, keyboard, and mouse.

BIOS (basic input output system): This is a chip located on the motherboard that holds the instructions and setup for how the system should load and operate.

Power supply: The power supply moderates the amount of power that is used around the computer and it's many components to protect any chips from frying. This is what relays the power to the components.

Hard drive: This is the main storage device of the computer, any software and programs accessed by the computer will be stored here.

Pen driver: this is an external storage device which can exchange files and information between itself and the computer. 

Twisted pair cable: These are made by twisting two separate insulated wires together. There are two variants of this cable; shielded, which protect against transmissions and unshielded; which do not.

Scanner: This is used to scan a sheet of paper from which the image on this paper can be transferred to a digital image to the computer on screen.

Fan and heat sink or cooling: This is used to keep the central processor units inside the computer cool, it does this by expelling the hot air from inside the computer to the outside of the computer.

Internal memory RAM: The greater amount of Ram a computer has, the faster and smoother the computer will run software and how many things you can run at once.

Usb port: This is where an exterior usb may connect to the computer and give and recieve files and information to and from the input and output sources.

Graphics card: Graphics cards are PCBs (printed circuit boards) that perform the dual role of sending pixels to the display and providing a specific type of processing using a GPU (graphical processing unit).

Printer: This is used to print images and documents from the computer and onto paper.