Positive language depends on the vocabulary and tone you use. To keep your audience focused on your presentation, you must have enthusiasm.
Using offensive language in a presentation will discredit your professionalism, positive language will boost the audiences confidence in you.
Modulating your voice means to change
your speaking style and tone to suitably
adapt to your audience. A good example of this would be to increase the volume
and clarity of your voice when addressing an older audience. Speaking quietly
and mumbling to an older audience would be a bad example of this as they would
not be able to hear or understand you.
Engaging the audience means that you include the audience in what you are
doing. An good example of this would be to ask the audience questions to see if
they had paid attention and learnt anything. A bad example would be to not ask
any questions about what you have done and complete ignore the audience.
Body language is how you communicate without speaking but with gestures of
the body. Good body posture and positive facial expressions show that you take
your job seriously and that you care about it. Having bad posture and slouching
shows that you probably don’t care about your work and you probably don’t even
want to be there.
For example, the use of a video clip
would create more interest in what you are
saying, as a video is much more interesting than plain writing on PowerPoint or
word document.
Good use of examples. Well done. p2 achieved.