Friday, 7 February 2014


I have changed the menu screen of my fan guide. I changed the buttons to images of the instruments used in the band. The two guitars will take you to the band info page when clicked. The bass guitar will take you to the members page when clicked. And the drums will take you to the albums page when clicked. I also made the logo in the top corner a button which takes you back to this page whenever you have navigated to another. These features allow the user to navigate the fan guide easily.

I have also developed the font of my product, I was going to use the first font (David) listed here in my product but i thought I should look at more fonts as I might find a better one.
The second font is Narkisim which I thought worked a bit better than the first but was still not what I was looking for.
The third font is Copperplate Gothic Bold which i think works very well with the fan guide and the tone set by the fan guide as it is all set out in block capitals which makes it stand out on the page more allowing for easier reading.